
Well, here they are, the web-cam pictures, you’ve been waiting for.....

OK, so may be you haven’t, but I’m pleased with the results anyway.

When the web-cam is active, (which isn’t very often), the picture updates every 3 seconds or so. All you have to do is keep hitting the REFRESH button on your web browser to load the latest picture. That’s the theory anyway!

Hopefully, in the near future there will be some pictures of the latest addition to the RK clan.......watch this space!

Sleeping like a baby...shhhhh!

Go on, hit REFRESH and see if there’s anybody at home!!

Hopefully theyll know the camera is on!!!

Just incase you’re interested here’s a bit of techno-blurb on how to set up this web-cam pic on the web-page of your choice:

1. Download and install an excellent piece of software called Booruwebcam_v120.exe from http://download.com.com/3000-2348-8967996.html?tag=lst- 0-8 , although there are no instructions included it is very straightforward to set-up.

2. Once installed, right-click on the webcam picture and format the FTP settings to point at your website image i.e. image.jpg above then hit RUN.......job done!!!